Marbles & Weirdness!

So, what was her marbles & weirdness?
Our bones move with the help of muscles and connective tissue, like tendons, ligaments and the fascia that surrounds them. Connective tissue is made up collagen fibres and fluid.
When you do any sort of intense activity, or sustain an injury, tiny tears appear in the muscle, called ‘microtraumas’.
When these microtraumas occur through muscle overuse, and don’t heal properly, then collagen is formed to help repair and fill in the gaps in the fibres. Collagen formation causes ‘knots, adhesions or scar tissue’, and has less flexibility than muscle or fascia, which leads to decreased mobility and flexibility. The newly formed knot is ’sticky’ and ‘bobbly’ and has less blood supply, unlike the natural smoothness of muscle.
When soft tissue becomes sticky it creates tension and causes the body to shift out of alignment which then creates poor movement patterns. It’s at this point that we experience musculoskeletal imbalances, discomfort and tightness.
So, if you’d like help to address your ‘marbles and weirdness’ then get in touch.